Frequently Asked Questions

Race Pack Collection will take place on Friday, 21 June & Saturday, 22 June at Kings Park Stadium Outerfields.

Access to the VENUE will ONLY be via Isaiah Ntshangase Road via the Virgin Active Parking Area (next door to KwaZulu-Natal Athletics / 0pposite Moses Mabhida Stadium)  

Friday, 21 June 2024               10:00 to 18:00
Saturday, 22 June 2024          10:00 to 16:00

You will NOT be able to collect Race Packs on Sunday morning, Race Day.

All our staff will be busy looking after the event.

You are welcome to ask a friend or colleague to collect on your behalf BUT they will be questioned about your personal details before allowing the packs to be collected. If they do not know the basic information your race pack will not be released to them.

10 km – competitors are required to be 14 years or older on the day of competition.
5km – competitors are required to be 9 years or older on the day of competition.

Males may enter the event. BUT a male may not compete for any position or lucky draw prizes. MALES participation is purely as a support for their significant others, friends or colleagues and forms a part of the social element of the event.

Only Female Elite and Female Licenced Athletes will be permitted into the Seeded Batch Start Area.

Men competing will be held at the entrance to Kings Park Stadium until such time as the female position winners have completed their event.

Unfortunately we have a no-refunds policy.

Affiliation to Athletics South Africa (ASA) is done through a Temporary License that you purchase for each event or an Annual license that can be purchased for the calendar year. In order to receive a running license for the year you have to belong to a club affiliated with ASA. Application for a running license can only be done through your club.

You require an ASA Licence or Temp Licence in order to run the 10km event.

The cost of the Temp Licence is R50 and while collected during the online entry process this fee is paid directly to KwaZulu-Natal Athletics.

The Race Office is managed by Finish Time. Their team has direct access to the online entry system and the race data which make up most of the event enquiries.

Should there be a question that requires input from any other member of the LOC (Local Organising Committee) they will forward it for a response.

Please note that this office operates during “normal” working hours.

Anyone who is missing, and anyone who is missing someone to please go directly to the INFO marquee, near the main stage. No announcements will be made for individuals who may be missing during, the entertainment and prize giving, however general announcements will be made to report to this venue.

If you are struggling to reset your password please contact or 087 551 2604 for assistance.

Alternatively, contact the Race Office on Email: or Tel: 087 330 0001